Electronic Recycling

Recycling scrap electronics is not just the core of Advanced ITAD’s business; it also reflects our values.

We understand the importance and value of keeping unnecessary toxins out of landfills.

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ITAD Services

Our ITAD services include the management of obsolete or unwanted equipment in a safe and environmentally certified operation. This is very important for data protection, proprietary products, product recall, and consumer protection.

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Our environmentally friendly closed-loop mechanical process extracts gold, silver, palladium, copper, and other valuable materials from discarded electronics efficiently, thus reducing the impact on the environment.

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We offer our clients transparent sustainability reporting through our unique Carbon Avoidance Calculator. This tool provides detailed reports on the environmental impact of our clients’ ESG efforts.

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To be a technology leader by utilizing cutting-edge processing technology to improve the environment and exceed our clients’ ESG expectations.

Embrace new technology and continuous process improvement to create a closed-loop process for the environment.

We are committed to partnering with you, understanding your challenges, and developing innovative solutions to achieve added value for our clients.



Our Experienced Team

The Advanced ITAD leadership team is comprised entirely of recovery and refining executives with decades of specialized experience identifying the changing needs of their customers and developing and delivering innovative profitability and sustainability solutions.

Several members of the team have held leadership positions in industry trade groups like the International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI), the International Association of Electronic Recyclers (IAER), Sustainable Electronic Recycling International (SERI), and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI).

Innovative ESG Excellence

Environment: Addressing climate change is crucial for protecting our planet and creating a better future for future generations.

Social: AdvancedITAD prioritizes people first by providing accessible processing technology and opportunities while respecting human rights and the environment.

Governance: Our company values transparency and accountability at all levels. Our corporate structure fosters principled actions, informed decision-making, and appropriate monitoring of our compliance and performance.